2015 365 | week 1

Okay so, I always said I’d never attempt a 365 project. Or at least if I didn’t say it out loud, I have thought it. I’ve always wanted to do one, but knew that I’d have a lot of trouble keeping up with it. And then you just wind up feeling defeated, and it backfires and you start shooting even less. A 365 – for those new to the concept – is a photography project where you take/edit a photo every day for a year.

Sounds simple, but…for those of us who still have images from summer vacation 2013 on our hard drives still waiting to be edited, maybe not so much. For those of us who are kind of sort of perfectionists, it’s even harder. We stop taking snapshots because we find too much wrong with them.


I really enjoy shooting everyday life the most. And I have really gotten away from that. Two energetic boys, a crazy dog, a full time research position, a photography business, and a pregnancy (!) all going on at once zapped me totally of all of my creative energy (and energy in general). And that, my friends, bummed me out. I haven’t even shot film in a long time and that was something I really enjoyed doing for my personal work.

And so it begins. I am excited to get back behind the camera more often again – digital and film. Experimenting and taking shots as is, documenting much more of my everyday life. I don’t want to miss a thing in my baby girl’s first year of life. I am going to go easy on myself and try to shoot daily, but edit in batches so I don’t drive myself nuts. I’m not going to hold myself to this if life gets in the way, but I’m hoping to try to do as much as I can to document my 2015. Here goes nothing!

Here’s week 1:

1/365 | what’s 2015 in dog years?


2/365 | happy campers


3/365 | adoration


4/365 | top of the hancock building


5/365 | lake shore drive {through the windshield}


6/365 | ol’ blue eyes is 3 months old today


7/365 | hungry hungry hippos


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  • Adele Humphries - Oh My Goodness!! I’m so excited! Can’t wait to see this unfold and cheer you on as you go forward. Good luck Jess! I know you will rock this as you do everything else! <3ReplyCancel

    • Jessica Remus - Thank you sweet friend, I could use a good cheerleader!ReplyCancel

  • 2015 365 | week 2 - Jessica Remus Photography - […] Week two of a picture per day in 2015, woohoo! I’ve made it this far, folks…only 351 more to go – yikes! You can see my first post here. […]ReplyCancel
