Category Archives: mine

a must see for horse lovers

I am one of those girls that has been obsessed with horses since birth. I begged and begged for riding lessons until my parents finally caved when I was 9 years old. During my very first lesson, at which point I weighed probably around 70 pounds dripping wet, I rode a humongous draft cross named…

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202020 project

Hello very neglected blog! Happy New Year. This year, I have a lot of fun plans as my photography business grows. Hopefully I’ll get to at least half of those plans 😉 At the end of every busy fall season, I always find myself burnt out and in a bit of a creative rut. I’m…

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happy place | chicago children’s photographer

If you’re in Chicago, you might want to check out the Happy Place, it’s been extended until September 4th! It’s a series of crazy fun super colorful rooms and taking photos is not only okay but highly encouraged. I went with my three kids, and friend and fellow photographer mama Kristin and her two adorable kiddos….

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preschool day two

Yesterday was my littlest’s second day of preschool. A little rockier than the first. Her first day she was so excited and everything was so new. I wondered how she’d do the next time. When we picked her up she was a little teary eyed but still laughed telling us about the dance party she…

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one | august 2017

Summer is over for us in a sense, because school has already started. So August is always a bittersweet month because we try to squeeze every last drop of sunshine and summer out of it while also preparing for the fall and starting school. Here’s a shot from the very first day of August, we…

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  • Kim - Jessica, I love the simplicity of this photo! It says so much. Beautiful.ReplyCancel

one | june 2017

Fun fact: I live with royals. Sometimes, HRH likes to wear the same dress every single day over her pajamas and doesn’t like to be told otherwise. #thisistwo Now click here to follow me to Denver to see what summertime is looking like for my dear friend Sarah!

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