one | december 2016

Another year comes to a close! I’m so happy to be continuing this blog circle with some of my favorite people (and photographers)…

This shot is the kind I like to take the most. A random and extremely ordinary snippet of my life. The reason I started snapping more photos to begin with. I haven’t done much of this sort of photography in months, client work tends to be all-consuming in the fall busy season. I hope to pick up my camera more for me and my family in 2017, and to get back to documenting the bits and pieces that make up my daily life.

I was cleaning (or something of that nature) when I heard B singing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. I peeked over and saw that she was in her little rocking chair (which she had dragged into her brothers’ room), holding and rocking her “baby”, singing to her and patting her gently on the back. Completely mimicking exactly what we do before we put her down for bed. Being a boy mom for quite a while until now, this kind of thing still blows me away. Of course, I then scrambled for my camera and she stopped what she was doing when she noticed me watching her. I didn’t catch her in the rocking chair but was in time for her putting her baby night-night.

Here’s to a happy, healthy, and fun 2017. Please click here to continue around our small circle to see what my dear friend Krista has been up to this December!

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